8826 VA

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"8826 VA"

NGS PointID: CS7398
Reference Benchmarks: None
Condition: Somes gashes and general ware.
Stamping: 8826 VA
Coordinates: 31.91648, -109.27376
Elevation: 8824 ft (2690 m)
Setting: Rock outcrop.
Monumentor: USGS

"8826 VA" is a benchmark monumented by the USGS in or before 1916 located in Cochise County, Arizona.

The mark is at the summit of Buena Vista Peak and was just outside the doorstep of Barfoot Lookout.

To reach the benchmark from Rustler Park, get onto the Crest Trail #270 and head northward. Continue on the trail until you reach Barfoot Lookout Saddle where the Crest Trail intersects the Barfoot Lookout Trail. Head north on the Barfoot Lookout Trail all the way to the top of the peak.