SF 200

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"SF 200"

NGS PointID HS2722
Reference Benchmarks: None
Condition: Major ware.
Stamping: 200 SF 1908 11
Coordinates: 37.00705, -121.56822
Elevation: 200.110 ft (14.117 m)
Setting: Vertically in a brick building.
Monumentor: USGS

Datasheet Description:

At Filroy, at the intersection of Monterey and East Sixth streets, at the city hall, set vertically in the northeast brick wall, 3.4 feet northwest of the east corner, and 1.8 feet above the ground.

Old Datasheet Description:

Gilroy, in southeast corner of city hall ; aluminum tablet stamped "S. F. 190 1908 11"

"SF 200" is a benchmark monumented by the USGS in 1908 located in Santa Clara County, California.

The benchmark is on the northeast wall of the old city hall. There are vines and growth covering the area around the benchmark so it will take a minute to find. It is set vertically.

It's reference code is 11, used for when engineers wrote to Washing DC so they could get updated data on the mark.