NOGLS 4526

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"NOGLS 4526"

NGS PointID CG0166
Reference Benchmarks: None
Condition: Ware and minor scratching.
Stamping: 4526 NOGLS
Coordinates: 31.712356, -110.068903
Elevation: 4538.259 ft (1383.261 m)
Setting: Vertically in building wall.
Monumentor: USGS

Datasheet Description:

In Tombstone. At Tombstone, Cochise County, at the old courthouse building, in the north wall, 8 feet east of the center of the main entrance, and 3 feet above the ground. A United States Geological Survey standard disk, stamped 4526 NOGLS and set vertically.

Old Datasheet Description:

Tombstone, in north wall of county courthouse, 4 feet east of north entrance; aluminum tablet stamped "4526 NOGLS"

"NOGLS 4526" is a benchmark monumented by the USGS in 1903 located in Cochise County, Arizona.

The benchmark is on the old courthouse building. The 1935 description is adequate.