T20S R17E S24 S25 T20S R18E S19 SC

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"T20S R17E S24 S25 T20S R18E S19 SC"

Condition: Ware present
Stamping: T20S R17E S24 S25 T20S R18E S19 1989
Coordinates: 31.670722, -110.596556
Elevation: 4804.53 ft (1464.43 m)
Setting: A square concrete post.
Monumentor: USC&GS

"T20S R17E S24 S25 T20S R18E S19 SC" is a benchmark monumented by the USGS in 1989 located in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

The benchmark is under a fenceline projecting an inch above ground. It's where the middle of the dirt road would converge with the north-south fenceline.