E 3

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"E 3"

NGS PointID FQ0230
Reference Benchmarks: None
Condition: Minor scratches and punchholes present.
Stamping: 6899.330
Coordinates: 35.196833, -111.647889
Elevation: 6899.471 ft (2102.959 m)
Setting: Building wall.
Monumentor: USC&GS

Datasheet Description:

Flagstaff, in south front of railroad station beside west door and 38 centimeters from its east edge, 6.3 meters north of center of main track, 1.25 meters from ground; red-metal disk.

"E 3" is a benchmark monumented by the USC&GS in 1909 located in Coconino County, Arizona.

The mark is on the south side of the old Flagstaff train station, now a BNSF office, and should be visible from San Francisco Street.

This mark is apart of a survey conducted along the BNSF railroad from The Arizona-California border to the Arizona-New Mexico border. The designation "E 3" was given by being "E" on the third instance of the alphabet.